自己紹介 / Introduction
Hello, I'm Sakurako?
She is a shy but curious girl.....?
I would be happy if you could talk to me a lot.
注意事項 / Notes!
Please refrain from taking, reproducing, or leaking videos and images without permission.
As soon as we discover unauthorized reproduction of images or videos, we will report it to our legal advisor. We will request disclosure, claim compensation for damages, and file criminal charges.
⚪︎過度な誹謗中傷はブロックします(T . T)
⚪︎I'm still a beginner, so I'd be happy if you could teach me a lot of things ♡
⚪︎Let's all have fun talking♪
⚪︎Basically, we will respond to requests for tipping coins!
⚪︎Excessive slander will be blocked (T . T)
⚪︎I don't get involved with other people, including men!
⚪︎We do not expose genitals!
⚪︎过度诽谤将会被屏蔽(T . T)
⚪︎ 아직 초보자이므로 여러가지 가르쳐 주시면 기쁩니다♡
⚪︎ 여러분으로 즐겁게 이야기합시다♪
⚪︎ 기본적으로 던지기의 요청에 대응합니다!
⚪︎ 과도한 비방 중상은 차단합니다 (T. T)
⚪︎남성과의 얽힘 등 타인과의 얽힘은 하지 않습니다!
⚪︎성기의 노출은 실시하지 않습니다!